Guangdong Jinquan Medical Technology Co., Ltd.
Guangdong Jinquan Medical Technology Co., Ltd.

The 5th Annual Veterinary Diagnostic Conference

Jinquan Medical, the NO.1 supplier of pathological instruments manufacturer in China, is proud to announce its successful participation in the 5th Annual Veterinary Diagnostic Conference. This esteemed event, which took place at the Hangzhou International Expo Center from June 24th to 26th, 2024, was dedicated to advancing veterinary diagnostics for the betterment of animal health and food safety.


The conference, an initiative of prominent institutions such as Kansas State University, Global Animal Health Partners, and several distinguished universities, has established itself as Asia’s largest professional gathering in veterinary diagnostics. With a legacy of four successful editions, it continues to be a platform that fosters innovation and scientific discourse.


At this year’s conference, Jinquan Medical joined a constellation of experts from across the globe, including the U.S., U.K., Netherlands, and Australia. With an agenda packed with 110 thematic reports over three days, the event provided a wealth of knowledge and networking opportunities for the 2,766 attendees.


The conference featured specialized tracks such as aquatic animal pathology, molecular diagnostics, and experimental pathology sessions, offering a rich tapestry of insights into the field. Jinquan Medical actively engaged with the sessions and contributed to the collective knowledge.


Our participation in the 5th International Veterinary Diagnostic Conference underscored our dedication to staying at the forefront of scientific discovery and innovation in veterinary diagnostics. We were thrilled to share our insights and learn from the brightest minds in the industry.


Jinquan Medical’s involvement in the 5th International Veterinary Diagnostic Conference has been a significant step in shaping the future of veterinary medicine together.

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Banly Li